RM Analyzer Help

Action: PlCrSh

Plot file of creep and shrinkage resp. relaxation behavior for an individual element can be created.

Action will be skipped (Option) The action will be skipped in the calculation process if the option is selected.
(Element) Number of element, for which the plot file will be created
Attention: The input is necessary for presentation of creep, shrinkage or relaxation curve!
(Tendon) Number of tendon, for which the relaxation will be represented
Attention: The input is necessary for presentation of relaxation curve!
Plot file Name of the plot file

If the default '*' is accepted, the name of the file is set automatically:

'plcrsh' + element number + '.pl' (i.e.: plcrsh1.pl) resp. 'plcrsh' + tendon number + '.pl' (i.e.: plcrsh12.pl)

Delta-T Duration of the Action (not applicable for this action)
Description Descriptive text for the selected Action (max. 80 characters)